How Dracula Got Hacked

A short story in cybersecurity

Phoebe Levins.

9/19/20232 min read

short story in cybersecurity
short story in cybersecurity

One fateful day, Count Dracula slept soundly believing that his private information and emails were as fortified as his castle.

cyber attacks story
cyber attacks story

But when he woke up the next evening, he found that his inbox had been completely flooded full of poison. Much like his own venom, Dracula watched the virus spread and completely take over his emails.

cyber attacks story
cyber attacks story

His private documents had been leaked, his bank details unleashed, his secret schemes and perfect plans had been seen by human hacker eyes.

cyber attacks story
cyber attacks story

Those who were in on his latest diabolical idea had been sent fake emails from someone pretending to be him. His underlings had been lied to and manipulated into turning on eachother.

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cyber attacks story

His whole operation was falling apart- how could he take over the world if he couldn’t protect his business?

cyber attacks story
cyber attacks story

He tried to use his mind control to halt the hackers’ attack. It didn’t work. None of his ancient means of defense could stop the modern warfare raging on his laptop.

cyber attacks story
cyber attacks story

He scoured the internet for a solution, so he may rise triumphant out of the digital ashes….There it was, glistening on his screen-

Don’t be like Dracula. Don’t neglect to protect your business data. ProtectYour.Business can help you to identify the ways your business is at risk and prevent such incidents from happening.