2-Factor Challenge - protect your accounts

Dario Salice

2/26/20233 min read

2 Factor Authentication
2 Factor Authentication

Just like real burglars will try to wiggle the door knob on your front door to see if it's open, internet criminals are trying to get into people's online accounts. Research from Microsoft shows that adding 2-Factor Authentication to your accounts will deter 99% of online attacks and literally divert the attackers to try somewhere else.

Unlike in the physical world, online attacks are highly automated and bad actors literally scan the whole internet for weak accounts. For accounts used for Business this means that they are constantly at risk and the impact of getting hacked would be detremential for your business.

1. What is a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Your accounts are further secured by two-factor authentication, sometimes referred to as two-step verification. 2FA demands a second piece of information, usually something you have on you, to verify your identity rather than only using a password to gain access.

2. How does 2FA Operate?

Here's how things typically go when you implement 2FA for your social media accounts:

Step 1: Enter a password As per usual, you input your password.

Step 2: Second Factor You are asked for a second piece of information after entering your password. This could be a code issued by an authentication tool (such as Google Authenticator or Authy) or even a biometric feature like a fingerprint or facial scan.

The Benefits of Using 2FA for Social Media Accounts

  • Improved Security: They won't be able to access your account without the second factor, even if they manage to obtain or guess your password.

  • Data Breach Protection: Enabling 2FA gives an extra line of defense in the event that passwords are compromised in a data breach. The second factor would be required for access by attackers.

  • Phishing Defense: The attackers won't be able to access your account without the second factor, even if you unintentionally fall for a phishing scam and give your password to a rogue website.

  • Peace of Mind: Considering the sensitive and personal data frequently exchanged online, knowing that your account is protected by an additional layer of protection can provide peace of mind.

Professional Advice for Using 2FA:

  • Use app-based 2FA whenever possible. Authenticator applications are an example of an app that uses 2FA. Attacks using SIM swapping can affect SMS-based 2FA.

  • Backup Codes: A lot of providers offer backup codes, which you should keep safe. In the event that you misplace your 2FA device, you can utilize these codes.

  • Recovery choices: In the event that you are unable to access your 2FA method, be aware of the platform's recovery choices. Strong authentication should also be used to protect these options.

  • Updated Accounts: Keep your phone number and email associated with your social media accounts up to date by regularly updating them. You will be sent crucial 2FA notifications as a result.

  • Potential Constraints: Dependence on a Physical Device, 2FA techniques that depend on a physical device can be problematic if you misplace or damage the device.

  • Usability issues: Some users may find it challenging or confusing to use 2FA techniques, which could result in account lockouts.

Your social network accounts gain an additional degree of security when 2-Factor Authentication is enabled, greatly lowering the possibility of illegal access, data breaches, and identity theft. You improve your digital security and take a proactive effort to protect your online presence by requesting more information than just a password.

If you want help improving your security posture, we offer 1 on 1 sessions during which we help you enable protections like 2-Factor Authentication.

If you want to take the initiative yourself, here's a list of links that show you how to enable 2-Factor-Authentication on the most common tools used by Small Businesses & Freelancers:

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If one or more of your critical tools are missing, look them up on google using <tool name> 2FA, this usually directs you to the helpcenter page of the platform.